Table of Contents
What is a RESA?
RESA is an acronym for Regional Educational Service Agency. RESAs (formally CESAs) have been in existence since 1966. There are 16 RESAs serving the 180 school systems across the state.
The office for Oconee RESA is located at 206 South Main Street, Tennille, Georgia.
Purpose of a RESA:
The goal of each RESA is to help local school systems meet their educational needs through sharing services across school systems lines. All RESA's are required to provide services in the seven areas of:
Research and Planning
Staff Development
Curriculum and Instruction
Assessment and Evaluation
School Improvement
Governing Body:
Complete control of RESA is vested in the Board of Control. This board consists of the Superintendent from Baldwin, Hancock, Johnson, Putnam, Washington, and Wilkinson Counties, the President of Oconee Fall Line Technical College, and Georgia College and State University and the Director of the Twin Lakes Library System. The Board of Control has the same responsibilities for the operation of RESA as a local board has for the operation of a local school system. The areas of service and volume of service are determined by the Board of Control. Each system determines their needed services within the overall framework.
Funding the RESA:
Georgia RESAs are funded by state, local, federal, and grant funds. State funding is appropriated by the General Assembly and is allocated by a formula that considers RESA membership and size. Member school systems contribute to the operation of each RESA through locally determined membership fees and charges for specific services.
Oconee RESA will facilitate the delivery of relevant professional learning opportunities and other support services necessary in order to assist member systems in developing students into literate and productive citizens for the twenty-first century.
The Mission of the Oconee Regional Educational Service Agency is to assist and support our schools in developing the capacity to be collaborative, high performing schools focused on student learning.
Strategic Professional Goals
Oconee RESA Strategic Goals are aligned with RESA Network Standards for Service.
It is the goal of Oconee RESA to provide assistance to member systems for the purpose of improving student achievement through a wide array of school improvement services which include:
Providing assistance with analysis and planning (Collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative system data to identify achievement trends including gaps so that effective planning, a pyramid of interventions, and research-based processes that ensure high levels of student engagement and learning for all students are embedded as a part of daily practice and routine.
Providing Professional Learning.
Providing Quality Assurance (Establishment of a process whereby Oconee RESA receives feedback from stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of services provided as well as a mechanism to adjust services provided as needed).
About our Executive Director:
Mr. Eddie Morris,
Oconee RESA Executive Director
Oconee RESA
206 South Main Street
P.O. Box 387
Tennille, GA 31089
Phone: 478-552-5178 Ext. 220
Fax: 478-552-0446