Check back soon for more information on the Computer Science Endorsement being offered by Oconee RESA.
The Gifted In-Field Endorsement consists of three fifty-hour courses.
The K-5 Mathematics Endorsement consists of three courses:
Course 1 - Pedagogy/Numbers, Operations, Data and Probability
Course 2 - Understanding Algebra
Course 3 - Understanding Geometry and Measurement
MTSS Facilitator Endorsement program is designed to prepare individuals to serve as MTSS Facilitators in P-12 schools.
The endorsement consists of three courses with ongoing, embedded clinical practice and field experience.
The Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement consists of two courses along with an authentic residency and must be taken in sequence. Completion of the two courses and residency is required in order to add the Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement to an existing level 4 teaching certificate or higher.
The Reading Endorsement consists of three fifty-hour courses and is adaptive to the local school contexts. Each of the courses addresses the teaching aspects of the learner and learning, content, instructional practices, and professional responsibility. Candidates’ complete assignments to demonstrate competencies described in the InTASC Core Teaching Standards.
Oconee RESA will be providing a STEM Endorsement very soon. The content is under review. Check back here periodically for more information.
The Teacher Leader Endorsement consists of three fifty-hour courses.
Oconee RESA offers a PSC approved Gifted In-Field Endorsement and is designed to train local candidates to identify and teach gifted students from a variety of cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. This program ensures that its graduates have in-dept knowledge of teaching the gifted and talented students. The assignments, performance tasks, and assessment for each course will serve as the basis for ensuring that candidates have this knowledge. Program candidates will complete coursework and applied field experiences; content knowledge will be integrated across courses to help ensure mastery and coverage. This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.90 GIFTED IN-FIELD EDUCATION ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM.
The Gifted Endorsement is designed to include four courses. Courses must be taken in the following sequence:
Characteristics of the Gifted (50 hours)
Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted (50 hours)
Assessment of the Gifted (50 hours)
Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted (50 hours)
All courses have several purposes for candidates:
To develop expertise in gifted instruction for identified gifted students
To develop expertise in assessment, including a variety of informal and performance-based assessments as well as placement and achievement assessments
To aid teachers in becoming leaders in professional development and in collaborations focusing on gifted instruction
To develop in-depth knowledge of the highly specialized instructional needs of gifted students
To develop a thorough understanding of the historical and theoretical underpinnings of current beliefs and practices
To understand knowledge of current research in gifted education and the related fields of learning theory to support decision-making as trends move through the field of practice
To develop critical thinking skills as a consumer and practitioner of gifted education
Course 1:
Davis, Rimm, and Siegle (2017). Education of the Gifted and Talented. Pearson Education. (7th Edition)
Course 2:
Karnes, Frances A. and Bean, Suzanne M. (2015) Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted (4th Edition)
Winebrenner, Susan. and Brulles, Dina. Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom: Strategies and Techniques Every Teacher Can Use (Free Spirit Professional TM)
(4th Edition book with digital content)
Course 3:
(Repeat from Course 1) Davis, Rimm, and Siegle. (2018). Education of the Gifted and Talented. Pearson Education. (7th Edition)
Course 4:
(Repeat from Course 1) Davis, Rimm, and Siegle. (2018). Education of the Gifted and Talented. Pearson Education. (7th Edition)
Have a clear renewable Georgia Teacher Certificate
Be employed by a Georgia school system
Be recommended by local Professional Learning Director/Curriculum Director and Principal
Have 2 years successful teaching experience
Be committed to completing the program
Member: $350 per course x 4 courses = $1,400 | Non-member: $700 per course x 4 courses = $2,800 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Gifted Endorsement Application link is sent to perspective candidates
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Class 1: Characteristics of the Gifted
Characteristics of the Gifted provides an understanding of the characteristics of gifted learners and general methods for addressing their need for specialized instruction, identifying factors that enhance or inhibit their development. Coursework will include the study of the cognitive, social- emotional, and behavioral characteristics of gifted learners as well as components of creativity and critical thinking skills. The course will also address issues in the identification of the gifted, including an awareness of special populations of gifted learners and the environmental and cultural factors that may affect identification of gifted learners.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 2: Methods for Teaching the Gifted
Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted provides the rationale for and understanding of appropriate instructional methods and materials to meet the learning needs of gifted students based on the characteristics identified in Course 1. Candidates will research and utilize strategies for differentiating instruction for gifted learners. Coursework will include the study of setting rigorous and challenging instructional goals for gifted learners, instructional methods for gifted students, and current educational issues and practices in the education of gifted learners. In this course, participants will utilize and evaluate materials and differentiated instructional strategies for gifted students and design a unit of instruction appropriate for gifted students, incorporating the use of technology as an instructional tool.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 3: Identification and Assessment of the Gifted
Identification and Assessment of the Gifted encompasses two facets of assessment: (1) assessment used in the identification, eligibility, and placement for services in gifted education programs and (2) classroom assessment of gifted learners that reflects appropriate levels of cognitive challenge while preparing these students to engage in self-assessment and goal setting. Coursework will include the study of reasoning skills, principles of valid and reliable assessment, issues in the ethical use of assessment, and the design and evaluation of varied classroom assessments. Participants will research assessments used in the identification of gifted students as required by Georgia's eligibility rule, SBOE Rule 160-4-2-.38, and understand Georgia eligibility requirements as well as how their local district implements policies and procedures for the identification and placement of gifted students.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 4: Curriculum and Program Development
Curriculum and Program Development for the Gifted explores current curriculum models and principles of differentiated programming for gifted learners. Coursework includes the study of Georgia's approved delivery models and the NAGC Standards for gifted programs. The course also includes the lesson planning, development, and delivery of instruction for an interdisciplinary unit in which differentiation, higher order thinking skills, student use of technology, and creativity are included.
Contact Hours: 50
The K-5 Mathematics Endorsement consists of three courses and an authentic residency that is embedded throughout the endorsement. Each of the courses addresses the teaching aspects of the learner and learning, content, instructional practices, and professional responsibility. Candidates’ complete assignments to demonstrate competencies described in the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards. This endorsement is designed to strengthen and enhance the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of individuals teaching mathematics in grades K-5. In this project-based program, candidates demonstrate their competence by completing performance-based assessments.
The program requires an authentic residency in which candidates further develop their knowledge and skills through real applications in actual elementary classroom settings. These authentic experiences shall occur in candidates’ assigned classrooms, as well as in settings other than candidates’ assigned classrooms to ensure experiences with diverse students and with students in multiple grade level bands.
The K-5 Math Endorsement seeks to prepare candidates to understand and use the major concepts of mathematics for grades K-5 and to solve problems using multiple strategies, manipulatives, and technological tools. Candidates are prepared to demonstrate an understanding of how K-5 students learn mathematics and of the pedagogical content knowledge appropriate to K-5 mathematics teaching.
Van de Walle, John, Karp, Karen S., & Bay-Williams, Jennifer M. (2013). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. Eighth Edition. New York: Pearson.
Carpenter, T. P., Franke, M. L., & Levi, L. (2003). Thinking Mathematically: Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
NCTM, Navigating through Number and Operations, Grades 3 –5 (2001)
NCTM, Navigating through Number and Operations, Grades K – 2 (2001)
NCTM, Navigating through Algebra, Grades 3 – 5 (2001).
NCTM, Navigating through Geometry, Grades 3-5 (2001)
NCTM, Navigating through Measurement, Grades 3-5 (2001)
Possess a valid, level 4 or higher Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional Teaching Certificate, Leadership Certificate, Life Certificate, or Service Certificate
Recommendation for participation by their employing principal or school level leadership
Member: $350 per course x 3 courses = $1,050 | Non-member: $700 per course x 3 courses = $2,100 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Oconee RESA K-5 Math Endorsement Application link is sent to perspective candidates
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Course 1: Pedagogy in Mathematics/Numbers, Operations, Data and Probability
This course focuses on content-specific pedagogy and instructional strategies in mathematics while addressing the major concepts of number and operations, data analysis, and probability.
Contact Hours: 50
Course 2: Understanding Algebra
This course focuses on preparing K-5 Mathematics Endorsement candidates to understand and use the major concepts and techniques of algebra for grades K-5 by expressing, transforming, and generalizing patterns and quantitative relationships through a variety of representations, including tables, graphs, algebraic symbols, verbal descriptions, and manipulatives.
Contact Hours: 50
Course 3: Understanding Geometry and Measurement
This course focuses on preparing K-5 Mathematics Endorsement candidates to broaden understanding of fundamental concepts of geometry with particular attention given to specific methods and materials of instruction. Multiple strategies, manipulatives, and technological tools to solve measurement and geometry problems will be explored. The principal geometry topics to be taught in this course include introductory geometry, constructions, congruence, similarity, concepts of measurement, motion geometry, and tessellations.
Contact Hours: 50
MTSS Facilitator Endorsement program is designed to prepare individuals to serve as MTSS Facilitators in P-12 schools. The program is designed to equip schools with highly effective facilitators who possess the skills, knowledge and dispositions to lead the multi-tiered system of support. The endorsement consists of three courses with ongoing, embedded clinical practice and field experience.
The program is designed to equip schools with highly effective facilitators who possess the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to lead the multi-tiered system of support.
The following textbook is used for Course 1-3:
Practical Handbook of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Building Academic and Behavioral Success in Schools by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Rebekah Bickford
Copyright 2016
Must have a clear & renewable Georgia Teaching Certificate
Must be employed by a Georgia school system
Must have two (2) letters of recommendation from District or School Administrators
Must have two (3) years of successful teaching experience
Must have exposure or have worked with RTI/MTSS
Must be committed to completing the program
Member: $350 per course x 3 courses = $1,050 | Non-member: $700 per course x 3 courses = $2,100 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Oconee RESA MTSS Facilitator Endorsement Application link is sent to perspective candidates
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Class 1: Foundations of MTSS
Description: MTSS Facilitator Endorsement program is designed to prepare individuals to serve as MTSS Facilitators in P-12 schools. The program is designed to equip schools with highly effective facilitators who possess the skills, knowledge and dispositions to lead the multi-tiered system of support. The endorsement consists of three courses with ongoing, embedded clinical practice and field experience. Course 1 builds candidate’s knowledge, skills, and dispositions to accomplish the work. Candidates will be required to complete a total of 10 hours of field experience during course 1.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 2: Coordinating the MTSS Process
Description: MTSS Facilitator Endorsement program is designed to prepare individuals to serve as MTSS Facilitators in P-12 schools. The program is designed to equip districts and schools with highly effective facilitators who possess the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to lead the multi-tiered system of support. The endorsement consists of three courses with ongoing, embedded clinical practice and field experience. Course 2 builds expertise through research of both district and schoolwide MTSS processes. This approach will allow the MTSS Facilitator to identify and implement effective screeners, progress monitoring, data-based decision making and instruction. Course 2 requires candidates to conduct MTSS screening, identify appropriate progress monitoring, and make data-based and instructional decisions on a targeted group of students. Candidates will also perform professional learning and provide technical assistance to staff members, families, and community members, and create/revise and monitor the processes in their organization. Timely field practice is carefully coordinated with the learning. Candidates will be required to complete a total of 20 hours of field experience during course 2.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 3: Implementing the MTSS Process
Description: MTSS Facilitator Endorsement program is designed to prepare individuals to serve as MTSS Facilitators in P-12 schools. The program is designed to equip districts and schools with highly effective facilitators who possess the skills, knowledge and dispositions to lead the multi-tiered system of support. The endorsement consists of three courses with ongoing, embedded clinical practice and field experience. Course 3 builds expertise through practice implementing both school wide MTSS and individual student support cases. This approach to learning will allow the MTSS Facilitator to design, implement, and monitor a program or processes for effective Multi-Tiered Systems at the school level. Candidates will be required to complete a total of 20 hours of field experience during course 3.
Contact Hours: 50
Instructional leadership is critical in establishing and supporting school cultures that enable conversations geared toward improving teaching and learning. Instructional leaders must be able to lead these discussions. The purpose of the Coaching Endorsement is to support instructional leaders (coaches, professional learning coordinators, coaching candidates, teacher leaders, etc.) to use performance data to provide specific feedback to individuals that will assist in meeting criteria for performance in various educational positions.
The Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement consists of two courses along with an authentic residency and must be taken in sequence. Completion of the two courses and residency is required in order to add the Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement to an existing level 4 teaching certificate or higher.
The purpose of the Coaching Endorsement is to support instructional leaders (coaches, professional learning coordinators, coaching candidates, teacher leaders, etc.) to use performance data to provide specific feedback to individuals that will assist in meeting criteria for performance in various educational positions.
Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts: Zepeda, Sally J.: 9781138649347: Books Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (Professional Development) (8580001050454): Danielson, Charlotte: Books
Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts: Zepeda, Sally J.: 9781138649347: Books
Possess a valid, level 4 or higher Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional Teaching Certificate, Leadership Certificate, Life Certificate, or Service Certificate
Recommendation for participation by their employing principal or school level leadership
Member: $350 per course x 2 courses = $700 | Non-member: $700 per course x 2 courses = $1400 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement Application link is sent to perspective candidates
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Course 1: Principles of Instructional Coaching I
This course explores the basics of instructional knowledge needed to be an effective instructional leader. The focus is on approaches to supervisory practices and strategies to bring about improvement in the capacity of schools to improve student achievement by improved teaching and learning processes. The emphasis of this course will be on school leaders as instructional leaders.
Contact Hours: 50
Course 2: Principles of Instructional Coaching II
This course explores various approaches to instructional coaching, which include instructional/academic coaching, mentoring student teachers or GaTAPP candidates, and coaching beginning teachers or identified veteran teachers. In addition, candidates will refine skills in differentiated coaching and culturally proficient coaching. Candidates will study, observe and practice coaching skills through the authentic residency.
Contact Hours: 50
The K-12 Reading Endorsement is designed to strengthen teachers’ understanding of the learner and the learning environment, content knowledge, instructional practice, and professional responsibility. In addition, the endorsement allows candidates to explore the reading process, strengthen the connection between assessment and instruction, and plan and implement effective reading instruction.
The Reading Endorsement Program offers teacher candidates and practicing teachers in both elementary and secondary education the opportunity to certify as reading specialists. The purpose of this program is to strengthen reading achievement of school children by providing their teachers with additional skills and knowledge for augmenting classroom reading instruction.
Course 1: Foundations of Teaching Reading in Pluralistic Society
Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach by Gail E. Tompkins
Course 2: Reading Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, and Evaluation
Assessment for Reading Instruction by Michael McKenna and Katherine Dougherty Stahl
Course 3: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Models: Foundations and Applications of Differentiated Instruction
This is Disciplinary Literacy: Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Doing Content Area by Content Area
Possess a valid T-4 or higher clear renewable teaching certificate
Minimum of three years teaching experience
Have the recommendation of the professional learning coordinator (or other supervisor) in the employing school system
Provide documentation of personal and professional behaviors that would indicate the likelihood of being successful in the work the reading endorsement program is designed to prepare the candidate to do (Dispositions)
Member: $350 per course x 3 courses = $1,050 | Non-member: $700 per course x 3 courses = $2,100 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Oconee RESA Reading Endorsement Application link is sent to perspective candidates
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Class 1: Foundations of Teaching Reading in Pluralistic Society
Description: This course is designed to provide and extend candidates knowledge of the reading process by examining theory and research as a foundation for making instructional decisions for planning and implementing effective literacy programs. In order to inform such decision-making, candidates will explore current issues, materials, strategies, and approaches to teaching reading to P-12 children in our pluralistic society.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 2: Reading Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, and Evaluation
Description: This course is designed to provide candidates with knowledge of theoretical models, methods, and materials of literacy assessment. Such knowledge will provide candidates with the framework needed to administer assessments and use the information from formal and informal measures to develop appropriate literacy instruction that meets the needs of every student in P-12 classrooms. Critical to this course is the candidate need to reflect on personal beliefs about reading assessment and the relationship to their own teaching and learning. This course requires a 15-hour practicum experience.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 3: Literacy Assessment and Intervention Models: Foundations and Applications of Differentiated Instruction
Description: This course is designed to provide candidates with a conceptual and instructional framework based for teaching reading and writing in the content areas. Realizing that much of what is read involves informational texts (e.g., books, magazines, newspaper, instructions, directions, textbooks, guides, and other content sources), this course will provide candidates with research-based strategies to help readers comprehend such text structures. Essential to this course is the interrelationship between reading and writing in all grades K-12.
Contact Hours: 50
Oconee RESA offers a PSC approved Teacher Leader Endorsement that is designed for experienced educators. The program will prepare classroom teachers to develop as leaders who will facilitate the design and implementation of sustained, intensive, and job-embedded professional learning in their schools and districts. This program calls for the collaboration of teacher leaders and school administrators to improve their schools and student learning at the P-12 level. The program is also designed to increase the participant’s ability to use fundamental research methods to address educational problems and assume leadership roles. Instruction will involve the use of a variety of instructional methods including, but not limited to, problem-based learning, modules, case-studies, simulation, field experiences, research, and individual projects. Application of learning to school-based issues and problems is a critical component of this program. This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with PSC program rule 505-2-.181 TEACHER LEADER ENDORSEMENT.
The Teacher Leader Endorsement is designed to include three courses. Courses must be taken in the following sequence:
Foundational Components of Teacher Leadership (50 Hours)
Course 2: Supporting Teachers in Utilizing Data to Support Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Practices (50 Hours)
Field Experiences in Teacher Leadership (50 Hours)
The purpose of the Teacher Leadership Endorsement is to provide experienced teachers who desire to take on diverse leadership roles with the knowledge of both curriculum and educational leadership best practices. The purpose is also to equip teacher leaders with the skills and experiences needed to lead school level teams of teachers in improving student achievement.
Course 1:
Foundational Components of Teacher Leadership (50 Hours) Every Teacher a Leader: Developing the Needed Dispositions, Knowledge, and Skills for Teacher Leadership by Barbara B. Levin and Lynne Schrum
Course 2:
Course 3:
Have a clear renewable Georgia Teacher Certificate
Be employed by a Georgia school system
Be recommended by local Professional Learning Director/Curriculum Director and Principal
Have 3 years successful teaching experience
Be committed to completing the program
Member: $350 per course x 3 courses = $1,050 | Non-member: $700 per course x 3 courses = $2,100 |
Partner school district assesses need
Partner school district/perspective candidates requests endorsement from Oconee RESA
Application link is sent to perspective candidates (The application will be posted soon.)
RESA reviews application
RESA submits an admission letter to approved candidates
Approved candidates register for all courses on the Oconee RESA website
Approved candidates begin the endorsement
Class 1: Foundational Components of Teacher Leadership
Foundational Components of Teacher Leadership is designed to provide and extend candidates’ knowledge of the leadership process by examining theory and research relating to leadership, motivation, facilitating change, communicating effectively, team building, and creating and sustaining professional learning communities. Candidates will explore, discuss, and apply theory and research through assignments and activities.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 2: Supporting Teachers in Utilizing Data to Support Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Practices
Supporting Teachers in Utilizing Data to Support Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Practices provides teacher leaders with knowledge, skills, and application of data in the school improvement process to promote robust and meaningful curricula and assessment programs that promote student social and academic learning. This course builds educational data competencies by equipping candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to identify, navigate, discuss, explain, analyze, interpret, and communicate school, district, state, and national educational databases appropriate in school development and improvement processes. In this course, educators will learn to systemically collect and analyze multiple sources of data to identify improvement needs, determine an effective response, monitor and correct progress, and demonstrate success to stakeholders.
Contact Hours: 50
Class 3: Field Experiences in Teacher Leadership
Field Experiences in Teacher Leadership is a performance-based course that provides candidates opportunities to practice and implement research-based in school settings. Candidates will apply theory and research through completing a list of required activities associated with teacher leaders.
Contact Hours: 50