English Language Arts is an integrated approach to language and literacy instruction, which plays a critical role in learning and communicating. Oconee RESA’s ELA School Improvement Specialist is here to help schools best serve their students as they develop critical literacy skills. Please contact us for support in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning.
The English Language Arts (ELA) SIS assists schools and districts in developing and implementing a successful ELA K-12 curriculum that is evidence-based and aligned with the GSE.
Reading Academies
Kindergarten - Grade 2 professional development and services are available in the following areas:
Small group instruction
Literacy centers
Assessment/monitoring progress
Reading comprehension
Reading Inventory and Fluency Probe Data Analysis
Vocabulary development
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills - DIBELS
Word analysis
Professional development of the building blocks for reading comprehension
Developing school-wide literacy action plans
Curriculum writing bootcamps
Grades 3-12 professional development and services are available in the following areas:
Dyslexia professional development
Developing school-wide literacy action plans
Reading comprehension
Struggling reader strategies
Content area reading and writing
Struggling writer strategies
Small group instruction and literacy stations
Vocabulary development
Word study
Advanced placement
Strategies for struggling diverse learners
Reading interventions
Adolescent Literacy Academies
Middle School Fluency Assessments
Curriculum writing bootcamps
K-12 ELA Remote Learning Plans
Teaching Reading Online: Webinar Series
Reading Endorsement Application
Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition 2020-2021 RESA Winners
Paulene Roberson